Tuesday 18 June 2013

Cooking with Mom

This afternoon, I had a cooking lesson from the best cooking teacher I know...My Mom! She taught me everything I know about Greek Cooking. She is well known for her killer Pites and her homemade Pizza is a close second. One of my favourite dishes is Pizza. I believe it is a complete meal (depending on the toppings of course). You can have for lunch, dinner or even better for breakfast with a nice cold glass of milk. Delissimo! Since I'm trying to stay away from take out for the 10 weeks, I decided to make pizza at home. After buying all the ingredients on Sunday, the problems was on how I was  going to execute making the pizza. Thankfully, Mom wasn't too busy today and so she came to the condo to give me a lesson on rolling pizza dough. Aside from getting my Mom to help me with the pizza today, it was nice to cook together. It's been along time since we engaged in sharing a kitchen now that I am domesticated myself. I'm looking forward to slicing up my very first homemade pizza.

Barese Sausage Pizza

1 link Barese Sausage
100 g sun dried tomatoes
100 g marinated artichokes
500 g Fruilano cheese
2 cups pizza sauce
1 package of ready made whole wheat pizza dough

1. Place the pizza dough in a large bowl and set out to allow the pizza to raise.

2. Meanwhile, cook the Barese Sausage. If you have a barbecue that would be the best place to cook the sausage. If you don't just use a non-stick frying pan as I did. Allow to cook through. About 15 to 20 minutes on medium-low heat.

3. In a small mixing bowl prepare the pizza sauce. If you have ready made pizza sauce go ahead and use it. If you want to make your own it is very simple. Add olive oil to 2 cups of tomato puree along with a good amount of diced garlic, oregano, basil, salt and pepper.

4. Slice the sun dried tomatoes and artichokes and grate the Fruilano cheese. Set aside.

5. Now, you are ready to roll out the dough. Roll the dough out to the size of your pan making sure to roll it out evenly and to not puncture the dough. Slowly place the dough on the pan. Grease the pan with oil and dust with cornmeal. This will help the pizza to slide off the pan after baking.

6. Now, assemble the toppings. First, the pizza sauce. Second the majority of cheese. Then the sausage followed by the sun dried tomatoes and artichoke. If you have left over cheese add that to the top of the pizza.

7, Bake in a 400F preheated oven for 30 minutes.

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